The Network
The Enterprise Europe Network helps businesses innovate and grow on an international scale. It is the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions.
The Network in Germany is active through more than 60 partner organisations - all renowned in their regions and sectors for their excellence in business support.
Member organisations include:
technology poles
innovation support organisations
universities and research institutes
regional development organisations
incl. regional or state-owned development bankschambers of commerce and industry
Teams of Network experts in each member organisation in Germany offer personalised services to businesses.
They know the local business environment and have contacts for business opportunities - worldwide.
The Network can also offer a targeted approach aimed specifically at your business sector. Its expert groups cover all key economic sectors, from healthcare to agrofood, from intelligent energy to fashion and textile.
The European Commission launched the Enterprise Europe Network in 2008.
Find your local contact point here: Your Enterprise Europe Network Partner
(Link to youtube channel of NRW.Europa (.mp4)
How we work and how you can get in touch with us:
The successful and sustainable path - nrweuropa - EENCanHelp (.pdf)
Andrea Dohle
Communication Correspondent NRW.Europa / Communication Champion EEN_Deutschland
Technology Transfer, Internationalisation, Business Cooperations, European Funding Programmes
Bismarckstraße 28
D - 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr
Tel.: +49 208 30004-34