
Note on funding

The Brückenbildung NRW project is financed by North Rhine-Westphalia’s Operational Programme for Investment in Growth and Employment out of the European Regional Development Fund (OP ERDF NRW 2014 -2020) and with funds from the Ministry of Culture and Science of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Contracting party:       

Contracting party:Ministry of Culture and Science of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Project title:Brückenbildung zwischen den EU-Rahmenprogrammen für Forschung und Innovation und EFRE: Förderung von Innovations- und Internationalisierungspotenzialen
(Short name: Brückenbildung)

Project duration:1. October 2015 to 31. December 2018

Project budget:

€ 1.477.828,39

OP EFRE NRW€ 727.978,26

Ministry of Culture and Science of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia

€ 749.850,13


            ZENIT Centre for Innovation and Technology in North Rhine-Westphalia (ZENIT GmbH), Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany


Project Management Agency at the German Aerospace Center, Bonn, Germany