What is Fin.Connect.NRW?
With Fin.Connect.NRW we are expanding the financial ecosystem. The initiative is primarily concerned with financing the economic transformation, proposing solutions and initiating projects.
In the first phase of the project (2020 to October 2023), a network was created that primarily brought together the finance and credit industry (banks, insurance companies, private equity) and some companies from the real economy. In events and studies, the participants have analysed and explained in particular the necessity and importance, but also the difficulties and challenges of transformation financing.
On the initiative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MWIKE), Fin.Connect.NRW has been expanded and strengthened since November 2023 (until the end of 2026).
The aim is to establish a competence centre for transformation financing in NRW that supports the real economy and the financial sector in a variety of ways.
Who will be affected by the CSRD from 2026?
- Companies that are already subject to the NFRD
- Companies that fulfil two of the three criteria:
- 250 employees
- € 40 million turnover
- € 20 million balance sheet total
- Listed SMEs (with the exception of micro-enterprises)
- Companies with parent companies from third countries,
- that achieve a total group turnover of > € 150 million in the EU for two consecutive years.
Cooperation Partners
In our network, we work together with our partners from science, finance and the real economy.
This ecosystem of cooperation partners and financial centre players forms the heart of the initiative.
The team behind Fin.Connect.NRW

Dr. Matthias
Managing Director Economic Policy and Digitalization, IHK NRW
Fin.Connect.NRW specialist event on 29 August 2024: Banks will become climate neutral: What are the consequences for companies?
"Infrastructure funds must become more accessible"
VÖB Service: EU taxonomy made easy - savings banks use TAXO TOOL
Transformation needs financing: Our areas of work
Public funding
The EU has set climate neutrality targets for 2050. New technologies are needed, but many financing options are not suitable for banks. Promotional banks play a key role. The EU taxonomy should guide investments and requires clear sustainability criteria for an efficient transformation.
Further events: Network with us!

Online seminar organised by the Corporate Climate Protection Network and Carbon Trust: Net Zero Paths

Online seminar "CSRD: Sustainability reporting requirements"