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Most corporate banks have already integrated digitalization and sustainability assessments into their lending processes or investment decisions. Transformation aspects already determine the interest rates and risk premiums charged by financiers. In the short term, further significant changes are to be expected, as well as stricter requirements in terms of the documents that borrowers must submit. Many banks have started to develop their own range of services to advise companies undergoing transformation and thus support their customers not only with financing, but also with the sustainable alignment of their business models. 

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How does Fin.Connect.NRW deal with the topic of knowledge transfer?

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Fin.Connect.NRW focuses on technical discussions and further developments in transformation financing. A regular exchange of experience and knowledge between the stakeholders takes place in various event formats.

To this end, information from practice and science is prepared and concrete recommendations for action are developed for banks, companies (especially SMEs) and for state policy.

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The topic of transfer is dealt with in Fin.Connect.NRW in the "Transfer" specialist group, in which members of the competence center can network with relevant stakeholders on specific topics and provide important impetus for NRW as a business location.

The focus is on the transfer of practice-oriented knowledge on sustainability reporting, innovations and new technologies to SMEs and the banking landscape.

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Studies on the topic

Fin.Connect.Basics 03
What does the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) require?
Fin.Connect.Basics 03

What does the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) require?

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Fin.Connect.Basics 01
What does the EU taxonomy mean for SMEs?
Fin.Connect.Basics 01

What does the EU taxonomy mean for SMEs?

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The challenge of measuring financed CO₂ emissions

The challenge of measuring financed CO₂ emissions

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The financing and networking of key technologies

The financing and networking of key technologies

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Cooperation and networking of financing for infrastructure projects

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Events on the topic


Online seminar "CSRD: Sustainability reporting requirements"

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Online via Microsoft Teams

Online seminar organised by the Corporate Climate Protection Network and Carbon Trust: Net Zero Paths

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Spotlight on sustainability reporting: First experiences with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)

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oeconomicum of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf

Workshop "Sustainable finance in the SME sector: challenges and solutions for successful transformation"

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Bergische IHK, Heinrich-Kamp-Platz 2, 42103 Wuppertal, Plenarsaal

Sustainability reporting - burden or opportunity? CSRD, taxonomy and practical examples

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