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How does Fin.Connect.NRW deal with the topic of NRW as a business location?

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Many players in the financial sector are already networked and integrated in Fin.Connect.NRW. Numerous players such as the insurance industry, which is strong in NRW, or fund companies are to be addressed even more strongly with the aim of becoming an integral part of a networked financial ecosystem Fin.Connect.NRW.

As a result, the financial center NRW in and with its focus on the digital and ecological transformation in NRW is to be communicated throughout Germany and internationally and addressed to the financial ecosystem players.

The aim is to strengthen and position the financial center NRW in Germany in the European context to accelerate transformation financing in NRW. In addition, there will be close networking and cooperation with the five existing financial center initiatives in Germany in the AG Deutscher Finanzplätze Germany Finance. 

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The topic of NRW as a location factor is dealt with in Fin.Connect.NRW in the "NRW financial ecosystem" specialist group, in which members of the competence center can network with relevant players on specific topics and provide important impetus for NRW as a business location. Fin.Connect.NRW aims to make North Rhine-Westphalia more visible to funds and other potential investors.

In order to accelerate the transformation, new ideas, structured cooperation and even better networking of the players are required. The transformation of companies must be accompanied by the financial sector. The focus here is on volumes, accuracy of fit and risks. In order to coordinate these, the networking of companies with banks, insurance companies and investors should be strengthened. By strengthening the networking of all relevant players in North Rhine-Westphalia, information gaps are closed.

Companies will be supported in finding the right transformation strategy for them. Conversely, companies looking for capital market financing should also be able to find these funds more easily (e.g. bonds, private equity). Fin.Connect.NRW can help large companies to find partners for syndicated financing with several lenders (syndicated loans). Start-ups and scale-ups should receive better access to venture capital through Fin.Connect.NRW (venture capital). Start-ups in particular can benefit from

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Studies on the topic

Fin.Connect.Compact 01
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Fin.Connect.Compact 01

How high are the investment requirements for the climate-neutral and digital transformation in NRW?

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Events on the topic

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft

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Industrie-Club Düsseldorf

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HZO 10, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

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