Dr. Sabine Mauderer, member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank, emphasizes in her article the importance of a strong financial center in Germany in light of the upcoming structural change. The financial sector must understand itself more strongly as a service provider to the real economy and network with other industries. There is a lack of long-term investors for innovations and future technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to better connect investment needs, know-how, and investors and expand the financing ecosystem.

This is exactly the goal of the financial center initiative Fin.Connect.NRW. The initiators have recognized that the climate-neutral and digital transformation poses significant challenges to our economy.

Therefore, it is important to mobilize more capital for transformation processes, initiate innovations, and enable collaborations. With Fin.Connect.NRW, a platform has been created that focuses primarily on financing economic transformation, develops solution proposals, and initiates projects.

Read the full guest article by Dr. Sabine Mauderer here.

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