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What makes FinTechs so special, especially in NRW?

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FinTechs benefit from a broad support environment and ecosystems of accelerators, incubators, local initiatives and venture capital providers. The digital hubs are well-networked contact points that promote cooperation between start-ups, industry and SMEs.

Whether challenger or cooperation model, start-ups in various stages of development through to established listed companies - the FinTech landscape is characterized by great diversity.

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A lively, constantly changing FinTech scene is developing in NRW. FinTechs are expanding the solutions offered by the financial sector. FinTechs are cooperation partners in the digitalization and sustainability of the financial sector because they can accelerate and support the necessary transformation with their innovative capacity.

Clever ideas, forward-looking business models and sustainable investments and financing are the best way to take advantage of new opportunities, especially in challenging times.

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More on digitization and innovation

VÖB Service: EU taxonomy made easy - savings banks use TAXO TOOL

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Top 3 position for the NRW region in the "European Cities and Regions of the Future 2024" ranking

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2024 will be the year of transformation (-financing)!

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Sociable, interested, expressive - this is how Düsseldorf is tackling the transformation

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We need a strong financial center in Germany

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Studies on the topic

The Relevance of AI Start-ups for NRW

The Relevance of AI Start-ups for NRW

Thanks to the chatbot ChatGPT, artificial intelligence (AI) is currently one of the trending topics in Germany. The topic is also of great importance for Fin.Connect.NRW.  The possible uses of AI go far beyond chatbots. Autonomous driving, Industry 4.0, real-time translation or pricing algorithms…

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How Fin.Connect.NRW wants to strengthen the financing of future technologies

How Fin.Connect.NRW wants to strengthen the financing of future technologies

In order to transform the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, high investment volumes must be financed not only in existing but also in future technologies. The technologies necessary for a successful transformation are only partially mature. The question therefore arises as to which financing matches…

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The financing and networking of key technologies

The financing and networking of key technologies

Advances in digitalisation and environmental technology are enabling a new technological revolution that can contribute significantly to solving many pressing global problems such as climate change. In addition, digitalisation has enabled fundamentally new business models. However, the different…

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Cooperation and networking of financing for infrastructure projects

Cooperation and networking of financing for infrastructure projects

A large number of banks and investors are often involved in the financing of major infrastructure projects. Depending on the size and supra-regional significance of the project, several development banks may even be involved. The relevance of networking in infrastructure financing is illustrated…

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The role of leasing and Anything-as-a-Service (XaaS) in transformational finance

The role of leasing and Anything-as-a-Service (XaaS) in transformational finance

The digital and climate-neutral transformation presents a whole range of challenges, but above all opportunities for companies. On the one hand, there is a high need for investment in new technologies and modernised infrastructure. For North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, the annual investment…

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Events on the topic

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft

Fin.Connect.NRW specialist event: A better financing environment for start-ups and innovations in NRW

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Bundesbank Düsseldorf

Sustainability, Digitalisation and Regulation - Twin transformation in the financial world

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Fin.Connect.NRW informs: Sustainable finance and taxonomy audit with AI

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MS Teams

Online seminar by DIHK and Climate Protection Business Network: Update on the Digital Product Passport - an opportunity for a more circular economy

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18th Private Equity Conference NRW on May 23, 2024

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