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What magnitude of investment is requirement?

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Major efforts are required for the sustainability and transformation of the economy. The climate-neutral and digital transformation in NRW requires high volumes of investment and financing from companies and the public sector.

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According to various scenario studies, the European Union will have to invest between 758 and 1055 billion euros annually in industry, the energy sector, transport and the construction sector by 2050 in order to achieve successful decarbonization. For NRW, this means annual investments of between 61 and 85 billion euros.

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How does Fin.Connect.NRW deal with the topic of financing?

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Fin.Connect.NRW focuses on technical discussions and further developments in transformation financing. A regular exchange of experience and knowledge between the stakeholders takes place in various event formats.

To this end, information from practice and science is prepared and concrete recommendations for action are developed for banks, companies (especially SMEs) and for state policy.

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Fin.Connect.NRW deals with the topic of financing in the "Financing and Funding" specialist group, in which members of the competence center can network with relevant stakeholders on specific topics and provide important impetus for NRW as a business location.

In addition, the topic of financing plays a central role in the Transfer specialist group, which focuses on the transfer of practice-oriented knowledge on transformation financing in the SME and banking landscape.

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More on transformation financing

Fin.Connect.NRW specialist event on 29 August 2024: Banks will become climate neutral: What are the consequences for companies?

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VÖB Service: EU taxonomy made easy - savings banks use TAXO TOOL

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KFW: So far only a few SMEs have been approached by banks about sustainability information - but demand is likely to increase

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Top 3 position for the NRW region in the "European Cities and Regions of the Future 2024" ranking

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2024 will be the year of transformation (-financing)!

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Studies on the topic

Fin.Connect.Compact 2
Banks' equity as a bottleneck factor for financing the transformation?
Fin.Connect.Compact 2

Banks' equity as a bottleneck factor for financing the transformation?

To transform the economy, companies need to finance huge volumes of investment. As the majority of them are not active on the capital market but are financed by bank loans, there is a high demand for credit from banks. The brief study analyses the resulting capital requirements of banks for…

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Subsidies as part of transformation financing

Subsidies as part of transformation financing

This practical information provides an overview of what companies should know about public subsidies in order to be able to use them for their investments in climate neutrality and digitalisation. The article provides practical recommendations for companies. This includes the recommendation to…

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Fin.Connect.Compact 01
How high are the investment requirements for the climate-neutral and digital transformation in NRW?
Fin.Connect.Compact 01

How high are the investment requirements for the climate-neutral and digital transformation in NRW?

At least 100 billion euros must be invested annually in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) to finance climate-neutral and digital transformation. This is the result of this meta-analysis of existing studies on the need for investment in climate neutrality and the need for investment in digitalization. In…

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Transformation Financing from the Perspective of Financial Supervision

Transformation Financing from the Perspective of Financial Supervision

Transformation financing is also a major topic for the financial supervisory authorities. The financial supervisory authorities are not pushing the topic of sustainability independently. However, they must increasingly integrate it into their supervisory work. This is because there is a need for…

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The Energy Dependency of Bank Loans

The Energy Dependency of Bank Loans

The energy dependency of bank loans is currently a highly relevant issue, not only because of climate protection policy, but also for security of supply. A number of banks are threatening to withdraw from loan commitments in the course of the transformation unless they are climate-neutral. For this…

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Events on the topic

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft

Fin.Connect.NRW specialist event: A better financing environment for start-ups and innovations in NRW

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Bergische IHK, Heinrich-Kamp-Platz 2, 42103 Wuppertal, Plenarsaal

Sustainability reporting - burden or opportunity? CSRD, taxonomy and practical examples

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Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft

Fin.Connect.NRW specialist event: Banks are becoming climate-neutral - What are the consequences for companies?

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Online via Microsoft Teams

Companies in discussions with banks: Sustainability criteria for lending

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Bundesbank Düsseldorf

Sustainability, Digitalisation and Regulation - Twin transformation in the financial world

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