EU taxonomy, ESG, CSRD - many terms are currently being bandied about, and not all of them are self-explanatory. However, they all have a significant impact on the financing of companies. We would like to introduce you to the challenges facing SMEs and banks in the context of sustainable financing and how the Effizienz-Agentur NRW can support you in meeting these challenges.

Therefore, we are hosting an online webinar as part of the series “Fin.Connect.NRW informs: Financing new paths - An introduction to transformation financing” on 9 July 2024 from 12 am to 1 pm under the motto “Sustainable Finance & Sustainability Reporting: Future Requirements for Business & Financial Institutions”. The speaker will be Marcus Lodde from the Efficiency Agency North Rhine-Westphalia.

Are you interested? Then you can register under this link.



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